List of posts organized by tag.
3dprinting- JVM's Sledge 2008-Oct-01
- Steppers have arrived 2008-Sep-30
- Sanguino 2008-Sep-25
- Reprap Begins! 2008-Sep-23
- Days of a month iterator in Crystal 2024-Jul-16
- A Price is Right search in JavaScript 2024-Apr-11
- Deploying Amber with Docker 2017-Dec-05
- creating osx contacts in a group from a spreadsheet, or something like a contacts-merge, updated 2015-01-15 2015-Jan-15
- Reversing the first and last name of contacts on OSX Yosemite 2014-Dec-16
- An Arduino test framework 2015-Jun-29
- Sanguino 2008-Sep-25
- Senior Sem Project 2007-Feb-19
- Subscribing to YouTube channels with RSS/Atom (2018) 2018-May-04
- Desktop notifications after long running terminal commands finish 2018-May-04
- Hammerspoon Clipboard Autosuggest 2018-Apr-27
- Organizing files in a terraform codebase 2021-Nov-11
- Automatic build time metadata generator for ELB ping endpoints and other sanity. 2019-Sep-02
- keeping your secrets hidden 2019-Jun-12
- Secret secrets 2018-Feb-22
- rsync script to backup laptop to network storage 2015-Dec-17
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Automatic build time metadata generator for ELB ping endpoints and other sanity. 2019-Sep-02
- keeping your secrets hidden 2019-Jun-12
- Notes on setting up a raspberry-pi from a bare image 2019-Jun-09
- Notes on installing HKCam on a raspberry-pi with systemd 2019-Jun-09
- bash hr function 2018-Jul-19
- Lolcatme 2017-Apr-08
- rsync script to backup laptop to network storage 2015-Dec-17
- Bash script to rekey a server 2015-Aug-29
- Romans 9 2008-Nov-24
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Automatic build time metadata generator for ELB ping endpoints and other sanity. 2019-Sep-02
- ti83 prime numbers 2006-Feb-10
- Hammerspoon Clipboard Autosuggest 2018-Apr-27
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Installing Crystal+Lucky on M1 Mac 2021-Oct-05
- Deploying Amber with Docker 2017-Dec-05
- Days of a month iterator in Crystal 2024-Jul-16
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Automatic build time metadata generator for ELB ping endpoints and other sanity. 2019-Sep-02
- The Chapstick Manəˈfestō 2014-Dec-24
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Automatic build time metadata generator for ELB ping endpoints and other sanity. 2019-Sep-02
- Secret secrets 2018-Feb-22
- Deploying Amber with Docker 2017-Dec-05
- Iris MOT801 "V1" motion sensors 2022-Sep-19
- Hughes 206612 Zigbee Doorbell Sensor 2022-Sep-13
- Haiku de la decimoséptima 2009-Apr-17
- A proof for the existence of God 2009-Feb-03
- Romans 8 11 2008-Dec-12
- Thanksgiving pastor's appreciation 2008-Nov-28
- Romans 9 2008-Nov-24
- Lolcatme 2017-Apr-08
- Flash Line Drawing Tool 2008-Dec-12
- Notes on FRS, GMRS, MURS radios 2018-Jul-08
- Notes on FRS, GMRS, MURS radios 2018-Jul-08
- personalizing googles personalizable 2006-Jan-19
- Desktop notifications after long running terminal commands finish 2018-May-04
- Hammerspoon Clipboard Autosuggest 2018-Apr-27
- Iris MOT801 "V1" motion sensors 2022-Sep-19
- IKEA Trådfri Zigbee Repeater 2022-Sep-14
- Hughes 206612 Zigbee Doorbell Sensor 2022-Sep-13
- Managing services on macos with launchctl 2021-Nov-11
- IKEA Trådfri Zigbee Repeater 2022-Sep-14
- Iris MOT801 "V1" motion sensors 2022-Sep-19
- A Price is Right search in JavaScript 2024-Apr-11
- Javascript Downloads 2006-Jun-05
- Secret secrets 2018-Feb-22
- JVM's Sledge 2008-Oct-01
- Managing services on macos with launchctl 2021-Nov-11
- Managing services on macos with launchctl 2021-Nov-11
- Importing old content from around the web 2017-Dec-08
- The Chapstick Manəˈfestō 2014-Dec-24
- The Nerd Handbook 2008-Dec-31
- Here I am: a tweener 2008-Dec-08
- Linux-fu: Remove spaces from all filenames in a directory 2009-Mar-14
- Taking advantage of throttled upload speeds 2009-Jan-01
- Three things I learned about linux today 2008-Dec-01
- mkntfs - pretty funny 2008-Oct-02
- Lynx browsing 2006-Mar-02
- Lolcatme 2017-Apr-08
- Rendering build details.json with Crystal 2022-Jan-28
- Installing Crystal+Lucky on M1 Mac 2021-Oct-05
- Installing Crystal+Lucky on M1 Mac 2021-Oct-05
- Installing Crystal+Lucky on M1 Mac 2021-Oct-05
- Managing services on macos with launchctl 2021-Nov-11
- Desktop notifications after long running terminal commands finish 2018-May-04
- Hammerspoon Clipboard Autosuggest 2018-Apr-27
- IKEA Trådfri Zigbee Repeater 2022-Sep-14
- Happy π (Pi) Day! 2009-Mar-14
- The Nerd Handbook 2008-Dec-31
- Subscribing to YouTube channels with RSS/Atom (2018) 2018-May-04
- Desktop notifications after long running terminal commands finish 2018-May-04
- Organizing files in a terraform codebase 2021-Nov-11
- keeping your secrets hidden 2019-Jun-12
- Perl Prime Finder 2011-Dec-05
- Snippet: Php recursive flatten array 2009-Mar-15
- Lolcatme 2017-Apr-08
- Subscribing to YouTube channels with RSS/Atom (2018) 2018-May-04
- Desktop notifications after long running terminal commands finish 2018-May-04
- Hammerspoon Clipboard Autosuggest 2018-Apr-27
- Notes on FRS, GMRS, MURS radios 2018-Jul-08
- Notes on setting up a raspberry-pi from a bare image 2019-Jun-09
- Notes on installing HKCam on a raspberry-pi with systemd 2019-Jun-09
- Days of a month iterator in Crystal 2024-Jul-16
- Reprap Begins! 2008-Sep-23
- Subscribing to YouTube channels with RSS/Atom (2018) 2018-May-04
- personalizing googles personalizable 2006-Jan-19
- Ruby 2.2.2 Splat Bug 2016-Dec-01
- Net::HTTP post with ssl 2012-Feb-29
- Rails3.1 Bootstrap html helpers 2012-Jan-30
- Ruby threads demonstration, looking up domain names en mass 2011-Dec-01
- bash hr function 2018-Jul-19
- Notes on FRS, GMRS, MURS radios 2018-Jul-08
- keeping your secrets hidden 2019-Jun-12
- Secret secrets 2018-Feb-22
- Bash script to rekey a server 2015-Aug-29
- Google Fixes Microsoft Loophole 2005-Dec-05
- on sleep 2014-Dec-10
- Iris MOT801 "V1" motion sensors 2022-Sep-19
- IKEA Trådfri Zigbee Repeater 2022-Sep-14
- Hughes 206612 Zigbee Doorbell Sensor 2022-Sep-13
- creating osx contacts in a group from a spreadsheet, or something like a contacts-merge, updated 2015-01-15 2015-Jan-15
- Notes on setting up a raspberry-pi from a bare image 2019-Jun-09
- Bash script to rekey a server 2015-Aug-29
- Steppers have arrived 2008-Sep-30
- Organizing files in a terraform codebase 2021-Nov-11
- Notes on combining terraform and ansible together 2018-Feb-21
- An Arduino test framework 2015-Jun-29
- ti83 prime numbers 2006-Feb-10
- Nix Deutschland 2006-Jul-28
- Internationalization 2006-Mar-16
- bash hr function 2018-Jul-19
- Iris MOT801 "V1" motion sensors 2022-Sep-19
- IKEA Trådfri Zigbee Repeater 2022-Sep-14
- Hughes 206612 Zigbee Doorbell Sensor 2022-Sep-13