When working with terminal utilities like Terraform and Ansible, sometimes the commands take several minutes to finish. For example, creating an RDS instance in us-east-1 takes about 15 minutes. I can’t stand simply sitting and staring at the intermittent messages terraform produces so I go do something else while it runs. I remember to check back at first, but after a couple minutes it’s out of mind and I end up not finding the finished task for an extra 20 minutes.
This is how I wired up macOS terminal.app to send a system notification when a long running command finishes:
- Fish shell
- Hammerspoon
Fish config
# Functions which reside in config.fish and tap into fish shell system hooks
# To enable automatic alert, run `set -U _long_command_finished_notification true`
function exec_start --on-event fish_preexec -d "Starts the execution clock of a process"
set -g _exec_start (date +%s)
function exec_end --on-event fish_postexec -d "Stop the execution clock of a process and set _exec_delta"
set -g _exec_delta (math (date +%s) - $_exec_start)
set -e -g _exec_start
set -g _formatted_time (decode_time $_exec_delta)
function auto_alert --on-event fish_postexec -d "Check the execution delta and send an alert on long running commands"
if test "$_long_command_finished_notification" != true
if test $_exec_delta -gt 12
set -l first_word (string split -m 1 " " "$argv[1]")[1]
alert -m "$first_word command finished ($_formatted_time)"
These functions have been slightly edited. The originals are available in my dotfiles.
Fish functions
# Fish functions which reside in .config/fish/functions and are used as part of
# the functions triggered by fish events.
# ~/.config/fish/functions/alert.fish
function alert -d "Send a request to hammerspoon for a system notification"
argparse --name alert 'm/message=' 't/timeout=' -- $argv or return
open -g "hammerspoon://task_completed?message=$_flag_message&timeout=$_flag_timeout"
# ~/.config/fish/functions/decode_time.fish
function decode_time -d "Converts a unix timestamp delta into d:hh:mm:ss"
# ported from / inspired by https://github.com/thcipriani/dotfiles/blob/3c2d75bc31865d97b36723351f9a8e1722a17d1b/bash_prompt#L97
set -l seconds $argv[1]
set -l days (math $seconds / 86400)
set -l hours (math "$seconds / 3600 % 24")
set -l minutes (math "$seconds / 60 % 60")
set -l seconds (math "$seconds % 60")
set -l sent_days 0
set -l sent_hours 0
set -l sent_minutes 0
set -l printable ''
if test $days -gt 0
set printable $printable{$days}d
set sent_days 1
if test $hours -gt 0 -o $sent_days -gt 0
test $sent_days -gt 0; and set printable $printable{' '}
set printable $printable{$hours}h
set sent_hours 1
if test $minutes -gt 0 -o $sent_hours -gt 0
test $sent_hours -gt 0; and set printable $printable{' '}
set printable $printable{$minutes}m
set sent_minutes 1
test $sent_minutes -gt 0; and set printable $printable{' '}
echo $printable{$seconds}s
In my dotfiles: decode_time and alert
Hammerspoon config
-- ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
hs.urlevent.bind("task_completed", function(eventName, params)
local message = params['message']
local timeout = tonumber(params['timeout'])
if not message or message:len() == 0 then
message = "Long running command completed"
if not timeout then
timeout = 11
local notification = hs.notify.new(function() end,
autoWithdraw = true,
title = "Terminal Notification",
informativeText = message,
hasActionButton = false
if timeout > 0 then
hs.timer.doAfter(timeout, function()
This function in my dotfiles.
More information
The entire patch adding this feature to my dotfiles
Fish shell documentation:
- functions
- a little more about events handlers
- universal variables in fish (find
on page)
Hammerspoon documentation: